Here is a list of my publications and press releases in which my projects were mentioned.
Journal Papers

Kim, G., Coimbra K.M.Y., and Daraio, C., "Helical-Structured Materials with Variable Centrosymmetry," Applied Physics Letters, (accepted, 2022).
Selected as the cover for APL's August 15th, 2022 issue

Coimbra K.M.Y., Coimbra M.C.Y., and Coimbra C.F.M., "On the Slip Correction Factor for Simple Gases Diffusing in Air," AIAA Journal, 4 April 2022.
Conference Papers

Coimbra K.M.Y., Junker C. et al. "Design of a Lunar Architecture for Tree Traversal in Service of Cabled Exploration," AIAA Region VI Student Conference (Team Category), 3 April 2022.
Winner and presenter in the 2022 AIAA Regional VI Student Conference (1st, Team Category)
Invited to present at the 2023 AIAA International Student Conference for the AIAA SciTech Forum in January 2023

Tisdale, M. et al. including Coimbra K.M.Y., "Design of a Modular and Orientable Electrodynamic Shield for Lunar Dust Mitigation," AIAA 2022-2623, 29 December 2021.
Winner in the AIAA International Student Conference (1st, Team Category) for the 2022 AIAA SciTech Forum in San Diego, CA
Winner in the 2021 AIAA Regional VI Student Conference (1st, Team Category)
Press Releases
2022-2023 Mechanical and Civil Engineering Award Winners Announced | June 16, 2023
Caltech news article recognizing me for the 2023 Caltech Mechanical Engineering Award
A Ski Lift on the Moon | October 10, 2022
Caltech news article on LATTICE's development and preparation for its technology demonstration at Lucerne Valley
Kaila Coimbra Receives AIAA David and Catherine Thompson Space Technology Scholarship | September 21, 2022
Caltech's Department of Aerospace GALCIT on my award for the AIAA David and Catherine Thompson Space Technology Scholarship
Student-Led Lunar Architecture Team Named Finalist in NASA Competition for Second Consecutive Year | April 8, 2022
Caltech news article on our team being named Finalists in the NASA BIG Idea Challenge 2022 for the second consecutive year
University Teams ‘Take Off the Training Wheels’ to Develop Alternative Rovers | February 24, 2022
NASA feature story on our successful LATTICE proposal to develop alternative modes of locomotion for extreme lunar terrain
AIAA Announces 2022 International Student Conference Winners | January 21, 2022
AIAA news story on the HOMES paper winning first place at the 2022 International Student Conference
Caltech Undergraduates Recognized for Inventing Product that Would Mitigate Dust in Lunar Habitats | November 24, 2021
Caltech news article on our team winning "Best Product Development" with HOMES at the NASA BIG Idea Challenge Forum
Student-Led Moon Dust Shield Team Named Finalist in NASA Competition | February 16, 2021
Caltech news article on our team being named Finalists in the NASA BIG Idea Challenge 2021
NASA Selects University Teams to Develop Ways to Deal with Moon Dust | January 29, 2021
NASA feature story on our successful HOMES proposal to mitigate dust on the Moon.